How AI Will Cause Havoc with TAIA | +1 (805) 917-6037

Artificial Intelligence (AI) will be damaging to businesses and countries. Not because they pose an immediate threat as an AGI (Artificial General Intelligence), which is a different story altogether, but because of the vast possibilities to fool an audience.

Within a few years, we will not be able to tell the difference between what has been created by AI and humans and what’s real and fake.

Criminals will start to organize Targeted Artificial Intelligence Attacks (TAIAs) on selected companies, employees, or government officials. Catching a TAIA attack will be extremely difficult, as the communication will appear genuine.

TAIA is a term coined by Jonas Borchgrevink, founder of

Here’s a few examples of what a TAIA attack might include:


An unknown number might call you while the voice itself is exactly like your boss’ voice, where they explain why they are calling from a different number (lost their phone?) and ask that you perform certain actions like:

  • Transfer funds
  • Forward an email
  • Whitelist a domain or IP
  • Log in to a particular website
  • Forward a request to the accounting


We have created an email system based on OpenAI’s assistant, which performs better than humans. This exists now. You might have received emails from an AI tool without even knowing it. And guess what? You can’t verify if it’s from a human or not.

Video / Zoom / Teams

AI can replicate facial expressions. While we are not there yet with live deepfake or live AI-generated faces, we will get there soon. You won’t know if you’re talking to a human or an AI on a video call in a few years.

Don’t forget online content

This is already happening. AI bots are now constantly spewing out articles on different websites, AI images are being posted on social media, and YouTube videos are being created at an astonishing speed. You can’t trust what you’re reading or what you are seeing. The sad part is that humans are already being bypassed in the social media sector.

How to prepare for TAIA

Our Security-Aware Employee course, which you can take for free here, advises treating online content as potentially fake or AI-generated until a reliable source has verified it.

Humans must constantly be reminded about new TAIA tactics and trained to spot fake content or AI communication. Hopefully, we will soon get AI tools to combat fake content and AI-generated communication.

Stay alert, AIs never sleep.

Featured image made by MidJourney and Jonas Borchgrevink.